Taking little steps towards big change.

Helping make the world a kinder place for little people.
Please help us with our latest cause

Hello. Thanks for visiting Little Steps Big Change.
What even is this we hear you ask?

Well, this is our way of trying to make the world a little bit better to live in for our sons, along with everyone else. You see, our youngest son has Achondroplasia which is a form of dwarfism. Turns out the world appears to be a bit unkind to people with dwarfism. That has a negative impact on him and his older brother in many ways. We won’t bore you with the endless examples of how here, but let’s just say there are many. Some of these are BAD and this is why we have set this little site up.

When we come across something bad in our lives and it has a negative impact on our sons, we try and do something about it. Most parents would. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, some people don’t agree with making things good. We’d like your help to show these people that there is a better, kinder way.

Please help us by putting pressure on the organisations that have a negative impact on our son’s community and him by acting on our latest causes.

We want a more inclusive and welcoming community for all.